Friday, November 30, 2018

Grim Lovelies

Fairy tale stories have always intrigued me, so the premise of Megan Shepherd's new book Grim Lovelies hooked me.  The question:  what happens to the animals in fairy tales that get turned into humans?  And how hard would they fight to stay human?

In the story, Anouk is a beastie, meaning she was created from an animal by a witch.  She's spent her year of life cooking and cleaning for Mada Vittora, the witch who created her, but after a tense night meeting, Anouk finds Mada Vittora dead.  In fear, Anouk and the other beasties--Cricket and Beau--flee for their lives and try to find a way to remain human forever before Mada Vittora's spell fades away.

This book is pure fantasy.  Yes, it's set in modern day Paris, but the magic, witches, royals, and goblins dominate the story.  The first half is straightforward--introductions and survival.  However, the second half of the novel gets a little crazy, in my opinion.  There’s an Ocean’s 11-esque heist and a goblin party in the subway tunnels.  There are living topiaries and love interests.  And, of course, there’s deception and trickery while Anouk figures out who she can trust.  

In my opinion, it was laid on a little thick, but it does set up for the next book in the series.

**Thank you, Net Galley, for this free book in exchange for an honest review.**

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